Environmental, Sustainable and Governance
At OFP, we understand and recognise that any business has an impact on the environment, and like everyone, we want to do our part to reduce this impact and work in a way that is sustainable and environmentally friendly
ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance.
Environmental criteria consider how we as a company safeguard the environment. This includes our contribution towards climate change through waste management, energy efficiency and greenhouse gasses.
Social criteria examine how we manage relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities where we operate. Throughout our supply chain we collaborate with link-minded, responsible and sustainable companies.
We are constantly seeking new ways in which we can minimise our materials and energy whilst providing consistent, high quality products and services for our clients
Here are just some of the efforts we have made to become more sustainable and conscious of our environmental and social impact:

We do our very best to reuse and recycle wherever possible. We even create pellets from sawdust which we burn in our biomass boilers to heat our offices.

As part of our waste less and efforts to increase sustainable solutions watch the our recycled wood pellet production, bio-mass boilers and solar panels which all help to supply the energy required to power our manufacturing facility.
Sustainability is not the main reason why there has been an increase in timber-frame construction in the UK, although we think it should be. The focus in construction sustainability at present is on the impact of the building when it is in use. However not only is it energy efficient when built but the reduction in carbon footprint and materials sustainability of the build itself is one to note.

Governance deals with our company’s leadership, executive pay, audits and our overall alignment of interest between different stakeholders.
Each year OFP goes through the Chain of Custody Audit for FSC and PEFC. This chain of custody certification allows a company to sell wood and wood products from certified forests with the applicable forestry label.
We are committed to responsible construction and we are proud to have held FSC certification since May 2007 and PEFC certification since July 2008.

As the government continues to emphasise the importance of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and off-site manufacturing to achieve environmental targets, we will continue to build as much as possible off-site in our factory, using only responsibly sourced and environmentally friendly materials.
Here are just some of the achievements we made in 2022:

Our Commitment to Our Community – In Partnership With Broadstairs College
At OFP, we understand and recognise that any business has an impact on the environment, and like everyone, we want to do our part to not only be sustainable and environmentally friendly but also work closely with our local communities to have a positive impact on the businesses and people around us.
OFP Charity Golf Day – Supporting Shooting Star Children’s Hospice
Each year, we host a charity golf day, inviting colleagues, suppliers, industry peers, friends and family to come together for a day of fun and relaxation and help raise funds for charity.
Look inside our purpose-built factory
At OFP, we pride ourselves in producing, delivering and installing the best timber frame solutions for our clients whilst maintaining our commitment to working in the most sustainable ways possible and using Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) such as off-site manufacturing.
Why Wood You Recycle
In 2020 the UK generated around 4.5 million tonnes of waste wood. This wood comes from a number of different sectors, including construction, demolition, manufacturing and wood processing.
In Timber We Truss – but don’t just take our word for it!
As businesses and individuals, we all have environmental targets to reach and must embrace new ways of working and operating to better the future of our planet.