Pictured project: Premier Inn Hotel, York

Typically, timber frame structures are known for their advantages for residential buildings, but they can be used for so much more. Over the years, timber frame technology has advanced, making it an ideal construction solution for buildings with various uses, including offices, hospitals, hotels, care homes, schools, and much more.

Timber frame is an ideal choice for the construction of commercial buildings. The largest timber frame office building in the UK has just been commissioned – Xylo on Gray’s Inn Road – in Bloomsbury, London, which is eight stories high and will be incredibly energy efficient. This will be ‘delivered via 100% renewable grid electricity, rooftop photovoltaic panels, an intelligent Building Management System, energy-efficient all-electric heating, hot water, and cooling systems, and demand-driven displacement ventilation to the office floors. The building’s occupiers can expect to reduce their occupational CO2 emissions by up to 82% compared to a typical office building.’

Over the years, timber frame technology has advanced, making it an ideal construction solution for commercial buildings.

It is very encouraging to see the boundaries being pushed for high-rise timber frame buildings. We have heard time and time again that timber frame is the key to achieving the UK’s Net Zero target by 2030, particularly with the latest introduction of the Timber in Construction (TiC) Policy Roadmap, but this is only the beginning.

At OFP, we firmly believe that timber frame needs to be utilised more in various non-domestic and other commercial buildings such as hospitals, schools and offices. We have worked on several commercial timber frame buildings in the past, and we have seen the benefits first-hand.

Why is timber frame an ideal choice for commercial buildings?

Commercial projects benefit from timber frame’s adaptability and efficiency. Whether it’s an office, school, or medical centre, timber frame supports innovative designs and fast-track construction schedules, making it ideal for the commercial sector.

Some of the benefits include:

OFP Commercial Projects

OFP Timber Frame have a strong reputation for building residential developments, but we also have a vast number of commercial buildings in our portfolio as well including:

  • Two schools in Glasgow,
  • Twelve schools in Kent,
  • A hotel on the Isle of Wight,
  • Four school extensions in Kent,
  • A huge timber frame hotel in York,
  • Two care homes in Kent,
  • And even TREEHOUSES! (Pictured right)

Project Spotlight: Premier Inn Hotel, York.

In 2023, we completed one of our largest commercial projects: the Premier Inn Hotel in York, which consists of 188 bedrooms.

“This is by far the largest timber frame commercial hotel I have worked on or seen in 19 years in the industry,” says OFP Sales Director Ken Mackenzie.

We are so incredibly proud of this project. Exceptional progress was made throughout the project programme, which is a credit to the collaborative efforts between our OFP team and Clegg Construction.

We are encouraged about the future of timber frame being utilised more in different buildings alongside residential developments. We believe that timber frame is the key to achieving the UK’s Net Zero goal by 2023, and you can help!

If you have a commercial project, then why not consider Timber Frame?

Visit our website or contact us directly: 


T: 01304 613298

E: info@ofptimberframe.com