As we enter our 21st year in business, we are starting to set new goals for the year ahead. It is important to not only look forward but also look back, and 2022 was an amazing year at OFP. Let’s take a look at OFP 2022.
Business Success:
2022 saw us mark our 20th anniversary. Through the past 20 years, there have been successes and challenges, but this never stopped us, and we are so proud to be where we are today, 20 years on.
In 2022 we have 120 staff members, and we also expanded our Sandwich factory to include a brand new mezzanine floor. This allowed us extra space to increase the production of panels, joists, beams and cassettes.
In undertaking these expansion works within our factory and within the team, we are in a stronger position to provide our high-quality panels across more sites.

Project Achievements:
With over 1500 houses built and 62 projects started, this year has been OFP’s BIGGEST year so far, with over 105,000 square metres of timber frame installed.
This works out to be over 4,000 wall panels manufactured per month, and over 20,000 trusses delivered onsite.
Compared with last year, we’ve seen a 26% increase in panel output, a 44% increase in joist output, and a 53% on truss output.
Sustainability Efforts:
This year was a big year for our sustainability efforts as we introduced our Environmental, Social and Governance Policy showcasing our dedication to safeguarding the environment.
As the government continues to emphasise the importance of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and off-site manufacturing to achieve environmental targets, we will continue to build as much as possible off-site in our factory, using only responsibly sourced and environmentally friendly materials.
Here are just some of the achievements we have made in 2022:
- 6000 bags of pellets used in our biomass boilers to heat our factory and office.
- We recycled over 250km of timber bank into our frames.
- Approx. 9000T of CO2 was saved vs traditional methods of building
To find out more about our ESG achievements this year. Click here

Team Updates:
Not only was 2022 a successful year for OFP as a business, but members of the OFP team have also had a lot of achievements this year, not just professionally but personally, too.
This year we have had:
- 2 new babies born
- 4 new team members
- 2 house moves
- 1 driving test passed
PLUS 750 + pots of coffee and thousands upon thousands of cups of tea consumed.

2022 In Summary:
Because 2022 was our 20th anniversary, we set out to make it bigger and better than ever before. We increased our capacity – and then worked as hard as we could on doing the best job for all of our clients. As the festive decorations come out for that time of year again, we’re proud to look back on what we’ve achieved – and excited to see what our 21st year brings.